Veteran actor Bill Cobbs, a beloved figure known for his extensive career spanning television and film, has passed away at the age of 90. Cobbs, who captured audiences with his unforgettable performances in movies like The Bodyguard, Night at the Museum, and New Jack City, left behind a legacy that touched the hearts of fans and colleagues alike. His passing was confirmed by his brother, Pastor Thomas G.Cobbs, who shared the news with a heartfelt tribute on Facebook. Pastor Cobbs expressed that Bill “died peacefully at his home in California on June 25,” surrounded by loved ones. His family, though grieving, finds solace in the knowledge that Bill has now “found peace and eternal rest with his Heavenly Father.”
Bill Cobbs had just celebrated his milestone 90th birthday not long before his passing, marking a life full of achievements, love, and dedication to his craft. To those closest to him, Bill wasn’t just an actor. He was a devoted partner, brother, uncle, and friend.
His family described him as deeply loving, kind, and committed to the people around him. “We are comforted knowing Bill has found peace and eternal rest,” his brother Thomas shared, highlighting not just the actor’s legacy but his role as a family man and devout Christian.